Thursday, October 31, 2019
SPITCEROW MODEL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SPITCEROW MODEL - Essay Example At this time, 86 of 88 Russian Federal subjects committed to 1992 Federation Treaty (Turkish Weekly 1). This separated the power of the local and federal government. However, Tatarstan and Chechnya were not part of this agreement. Later, Tatarstan bowed to the agreement leaving Chechnya alone. This was followed by declaration of full independence form Moscow in 1993 by the Chechnya (Turkish Weekly 1). This resulted into a conflict, and Russia invaded Grozny that was Chechen capital. There were many civilian causalities including over 5000 children. On 11 December 1994, Russian forces from the ground towards Grozny launched an offensive. This happened with some discontent form the Russian military and government. The main cause of the war prior to the 2009 North Caucasus Insurgency was more of a secessionist conflict rather than ethno-nationalist, religious one (Turkish Weekly 1). In fact, Islam was a part of the Chechen identity. The first party is the Chechens. They have remained opposed to Russian authority since the late 18th century. This happened as Russia expanded to areas already under Turkish or Persian authority. The other party is Russia and more specifically Russian military. This has led to conflict due to political decisions and stand by the leadership in authority. Three issues relate to Chechen. They are statehood, international involvement, and equal rights. On the other hand are the Russian issues. They include renunciation of the demand for a separate state, the Chechen disarmament, and the ceasefire. The other issue at hand is the natural resources in Chechnya, and the religious tensions especially between largely secular or Christian Russians and Muslim Chechens. The rebel leaders are sometimes successful in pushing the Russian armed forces out of their vicinity. This was evident as from 1996 to 1997. The Russian army counters this especially after the rebels cross into other regions of Russia, as
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sports And International Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words
Sports And International Laws - Essay Example Sport has coexisted with the existence of man. From the very simple to advanced levels sports are played by individual of almost every age. A formal definition from quotes sport as, â€Å"An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others.†More than just a leisure activity, over the years, sport has evolved as a means of progress and development. The international face of this physical activity becomes a source of development and coordination among different factions and nations. The present face of sport has evolved such that teams have been founded at both local and international levels and have developed and matured into the game of sport being acclaimed internationally. The international awareness of sport has bought many meanings to the game. The professional issues associated with both domestic and international sport have taken many turns over the years. It is across these levels of modification that the globalization of sports has evolved. Moreover, the issues of marketplace in an era of global prominence have also been looked upon. Professional and amateur sports, both, are affected by a number of controversial issues. The examples of these issues could be the abundant use of performance enhancing drugs, the migration of athletes and coaches, the impact of sports on the environment, the production of sportswear and sport as a potential market for the workforce of the developing countries. (Tahibault, 2009) The commercialization of sports in the society is also one of the global effects of sports in the it. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: The historical perspective of the field of sports dates back to the 14th century when the game of croquet was played. Moving on to the French and then noticeably to the English sport then evolved into a field just as significant as any other in the corporate sector. The official history of the Olympic Games however dates back to the 776 B.C. The Greek calendar was itself based on the Olympiad which was to be held every four years. Though scholars agree that these were not the very firs t games but they unanimously affirm that they were substantial games that took place between city states such as those of Elis and Pisa. The founding of the Olympic games has been traced back to King Iphitos of the Eleans. This realm of ancient Olympics continued over 1170 years. Then after a gap these games were again revived in the in the 19th century. This was done by French Baron
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis Of Buck And Pulleyn Strategic Change Management Management Essay
Analysis Of Buck And Pulleyn Strategic Change Management Management Essay Leadership and Organizational philosophy is one of the most strategic organizational assets which provide means to devise an efficient strategy for gaining a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. We identified in our training presentation that organizations needed change to survive in the marketplace due to change in customer needs, competitors strategies and change in political, economic, social and technological conditions surrounding the organizations. Organizations need to undergo a strategic change process in which the stakeholders and employees of the organization play the most crucial role. In this paper, assuming the role of a consultant to a business advice organization, the material of Buck and Pulleyn which is an American advertising agency has been selected for discussion. This case was written by Professor Louis B. Barnes in 1995 and it is one of the most prominent examples of strategic change management that how this organization has to undergone change. The discussion about the organization revolves around the following important points and it provides important insights about the strategic change management. Develop systems to involve stakeholders in the planning of change and develop a change management strategy with stakeholders. Evaluate the systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change. Explain what systems and processes would need to be/have been developed to ensure involvement of the stakeholders in the change, and justify choice. Create a strategy for managing resistance to change. Review the effectiveness of management actions to overcome any identified instances of resistance Describe the most important features in the successful implementation of organizational change, drawing upon at least two organizational models Plan to implement a model for change and develop appropriate measures to monitor progress. The case was published by Harvard Business School in 1995 for class discussion. (The case study can be accessed online at: Summary of the Analysis of Buck and Pulleyn Strategic Change Management This case focuses on the issues faced by Buck Pulleyn which includes restructuring of the organization, employees motivation and stationing of Creative Director, Robert Massimilian, as the president because of the conflicting feedback from different stakeholders. For Analysis, I have applied and reviewed Lewins Three-Step Change Model in this case. Firstly, in Unfreezing, Chris came up with a new structure which was formed by the consensus of all the employees and stakeholders. The resulting structure was less formalized and highly decentralized. In the Moving phase, the new structure was enriched with greater employees and stakeholders involvement and it consisted of external and internal teams to manage the strategic change process. The basic focus of change in organizations structure was to anticipate the dynamic environment with changing needs/wants of customers and clients (The most important asset for any organization). The issue of conflict between cost and quality, issues re garding expertise database and concerns related to compensation according to the new system structure were also addressed. Review compensation group had to deal with a couple of issues such as the process, merits, implementation and criteria for the compensation plans. Now the organization is facing the problem to re-freeze the change process at an optimal point and this is the main problem for the case. After analyzing the case, I would like to make some recommendations which are: Buck and Pulleyn need some visionary leadership to anticipate change with greater employee consensus and involvement. The compensation plan by team needs some more compliance and focus. The Roberts management practices should be reviewed. There is a need for making sure that the organizational values and philosophy should be compatible with the new organizational structure because these values and philosophy are the building blocks of leadership and a sustainable competitive advantage. (Barnes, 1995) Problem Statement: The Buck and Pulleyn needs major organizational structure changes due to changing environmental context and needs/wants of consumers and clients by keeping productive human resources enriched with motivation and enforcement of organizational philosophy and vision. The organization is looking to refreeze the change process at an optimal point Analysis: The basic problems faced by this organization were poor leadership, inefficient decision making and cultural resistance. At the start, when the need for change in organizational structure realized by Chris, the efforts failed because of old cultural norms of organization and lack of confidence on the top management by the employees and stakeholders; a factor which had lowered the motivation level and increased the reluctance to change among the employees and shareholders. I have arrived to this conclusion by applying, a well-known approach for managing change that requires organizations to go through three separate processes. It is called Lewins Three-Step Change Model. The three steps are unfreezing, movement, and refreezing. First step unfreezing was done by understanding the need for organizational change due to change in environmental context and customer needs. In the 2nd step discussions were held with all the stakeholders to change the existing style of leadership and strategy but employees showed some resistance for organizational change. During this step, employees were a little uncomfortable, and there was a need for some strategies to encourage them for participating in decision making process in order to engage employees in decision making about the new system. Finally during refreezing, some issues arose due to poor leadership techniques, inefficient decision making methods and lack of confidence on the top management by the employees. (Barnes, 1995) First of all, I would like to analyze the case with Lewins Three-Step Change Model to understand the change process and then I would generate some arguments to get understanding of issues to arrive at a conclusion of the case study with some recommendations. It is advised that the reader of this paper must read the case study originally published by Harvard business school. (Barnes, 1995) Lewis Three Step Change Model: Unfreezing: The initial stages related to the restructuring of the organization were met with some problems, including the negative reaction of the employees when the first memo for the restructuring of the organization was sent. The employees were engaged in selective perception and believed that their feedback or participation in the new structure of the hierarchy would be insignificant, despite the continuous effort of the top management to involve them in the structural reforms through various procedures including group discussions. Stakeholders were involved in the strategic change management process by group discussions and training sessions to discuss the change in environment and to implement a strategy for gaining a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. The approach to change was good and being in the place of Chris Pulleyn, I would not like to change differently from Chris because the approach used by Chris opened the way for stakeholders involvement to increase their m otivation and to change their selective perception. Unfortunately, this effort to engage stakeholders was not very successful due to confusions among the stakeholders about the strategic change management. My argument supports this approach because despite this approach did not succeed but it provided some edge or initiative for change or in other words it worked as a slipping point to bring a change in the organization. All the remaining process of change in The Buck and Pulleyn started from this initiative. Therefore, the change management strategy was defined in such a way that different tools and systems were developed to involve all the stakeholders in the change management process such as training sessions, group discussion and seminars across the organization as has been mentioned in the case. (Barnes, 1995) Moving: The failure of the first memo was followed by the introduction of group discussions for all the employees a factor which resulted in a relatively more positive increase in the response of the employees/stakeholders and motivated participation in the strategic change process, but still it did not meet the required objectives. The restructuring task force process resulted in formation of controlled command groups on intra-departmental basis, and as noted from the performance and the orientation of the external and the internal teams, especially the red team, it seems that the five-stage model had been adopted in the group development model. Problem solving teams both internal/external (red, green and blue) had been formed and the team leaders were selected by the team members themselves, thus increasing the cohesiveness amongst the teams and increasing the possibility of positive effect of performance expectations. Membership in the three external and three internal teams had been est ablished. Each team was developing and clarifying its responsibilities and new working relationships, with the Red Team far ahead of the others. Most Red Team members had previous experience in one of Buck and Pulleyn earlier multifunctional teams. The Blue and Green teams were still in their early stages of formation. The Transition Task Force was also under way, had a mission statement, and planned to dissolve itself after a three-month work span. Robert Massimilian had agreed to spearhead the cost/quality initiative and another staff member was in the process of establishing an expertise database of internal resources for the coaching/consulting problem. The approach was successful because it motivated employees/stakeholders to take part in the change process and increase in response rate of employees is a clear indicator of this success. (Barnes, 1995) Refreezing We need to do something about this! The time constraints in the decision making process had been relaxed to some extend by Chris so as to ensure optimal decision making. The process of rational decision making would have been used to get a better and much quicker solution. The organization is attempting to anticipate and refreeze the change process but still some concerns from the employees and stakeholders side exist. Moreover, some more brain-storming is required to refreeze the process as the new system is not fully mature (as mentioned in the original case study). For example, Domains for teams are being defined and teams are still developing their working relationships and therefore the process is actually in progress. Red teams may have some experience but the blue teams and great teams are in early days of their formation. Cost-quality constraints are being considered and new staff is being developed for expertise database etc. The current structure is different from organizations previous structure and there ar e some contradictions which are confusing the company in efficient decision making and leadership. For example, now the compensations are to be paid on team performance basis while in the past compensations were paid on individual basis. In simple words, similar problems like the controversy between the old individual based performance values and new team based performance values are creating problems and a proper solution is required before re-freezing the change process. Some other problems like the issue of Creative Director need some immediate solution to complete the refreeze process. My point here is to explain that the organization is unable to re-freeze the change which it has implemented because of some problems and an immediate solution is required to address these problems before re-freezing the change process. Therefore, it is the basic problem faced by the organization in this case. (Barnes, 1995) Argumentation The focus of the various teams in Buck Pulleyn was on customer retention and satisfaction, and this could be attained through highly motivated and highly satisfied teams. Also, smooth coordination and cohesiveness would be needed among the various team members. Scarce resources should be efficiently allocated amongst the teams to result in optimal performance through the formation of a comprehensive database for resource detection and an effective compensation policy to go along with both these factors. The factors highlighted by the Restructuring Task Force were related to the compensation and bonus of the employees, as well as job promotions and possible career expansions. Compensation plans would have a positive effect on the motivation and the productivity of the employees if they would be tied to both the team and the individual performance, with periodic reviews of the team members for allowing better performance. (Barnes, 1995) Looking at the team effectiveness model, the teams had all the four components of Context, composition, work design and process and were moving to the path of success. Better teams would be made, with the passage of time, by providing training to the employees. (Barnes, 1995) The organization had come out of the conflict process successfully. The conflict related to cost and quality was good for higher efficiency of the organization because the employees would have focus on using the optimal production procedures for the maximum output. Looking at the issue faced by Chris regarding the nomination of Robert as the president, we can see that there was a conflict only in the opinions of the employees. (Barnes, 1995) If we see the above events which happened in the last then these events clearly support my conclusion given at the start of the discussion. For example, there are clear evidences of poor leadership techniques, inefficient decision making methods and lack of confidence on the top management by the employees. We can consider the start of this change process when employees declined the change process indirectly. Then at the moving phase, some conflicts arose. Finally at the case of Richard, some contradiction occurred. All the employees needed a unified line of command with motivation and leadership for strategic change management. This supported my point which I described in the presentation that leadership and organizational philosophy is the most significant and strategic asset of an organization and it is crucial for employees to understand the organizational philosophy to efficiently take part in the strategic change management process. (Barnes, 1995) Recommendations: Based on all our analysis, I would make the following recommendations for Chris in order to solve various issues: Ensure that the company has string leadership, with a strong support from the employees. The compensation plan, dealing with all the issues highlighted in the report given by the Restructuring Task Force, is needed to be considered in the light of the new system. The organization has a very strong culture and employees are reluctant to change. This should be kept in mind before establishing any further change policies. The company will now have a decentralized decision making and a horizontal hierarchy, in which the reliance will be on the decisions made by the team leaders rather than the top management. They will be in direct contact with the customers and therefore, they are the most valuable asset for the company if it needs to prosper. Therefore, I would like to recommend that for the external teams, motivated and customer friendly employees should be hired. Moreover, the teams should also be given training to strengthen the team dynamics. As a result, in the long run, they will generate very positive outcomes for the company. The methods used for the compensation plans should be efficient and employee oriented like peer surveys, etc. The final decision should rest with the compensation team, while the bonuses should be given on both team and individual performance basis. The career paths and possible promotions should be made clear in the new structure by the top management to increase the motivation level of employees and to hire the best talent for internal and external teams. Any policies which are radical, or are providing a deviation from the general norms or practices, need to be carried out with caution and precision. This is because as was seen in the restructuring process, the organization wasnt very supportive of the change in the structure of the organization. Any change or major decision needs to be carried out with precision and in accordance with the possible reaction of the employees. It would be better for the organization to have the confidence of the employees or the team leaders before and during the implementation process and decision making of policies. All the changes made should be tested empirically that whether these changes are compatible with organizational structure or not. Because organization philosophy and vision are the building blocks of organizations structure, a proper brain-storming and activity mapping should be done to check the feasibility of change process. This is because organizational vision and philosophy are transferred from leadership and supports the activity systems of organizations. Any change away for these constraints will cause is poor leadership with organizational collapse. Conclusion If we clearly analyze the above the case of Buck and Pulleyn, then it is obvious that every strategy to undergo a strategic change management was efficient but the only problem faced was lack of leadership and organizational philosophy in strategic change management. The same recommendations were given in the training slides other than the report. The organizational philosophy and leadership the most the strategic assets to undergo and manage the strategic change management process in organizations. The organization must enforce organizational and leadership philosophy to align the personal goals of employees with organizational goals to accomplish its goals and objectives with an effective and efficient strategy.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Inevitable Grief in Not Yet, Jayette :: Not Yet Jayette Essays
Inevitable Grief in Not Yet, Jayette In the short story "Not Yet, Jayette" by William Boyd, Charlie, the narrator and main character, describes a day in his life, and tries to understand, what is going on with him, and where and when his life took a turn towards misery. He states: "It seems to me that everybody in their life is at least two people. Once when you're a child, and once when you're an adult. It's the saddest thing." We will now try to see how this statement relates to his life, and whether or not this phenomenon can be said to be symptomatic for our culture. Charlie, the main character of the short story, spends his life in Los Angeles, mostly looking for famous people. He used to be a star himself, when he was a child, but this came to an end as soon as he reached puberty. Now he is trying to recover the glamour of his childhood, but it is infinitely lost to him. This leads him to the reflection mentioned above. I would argue, however, that he himself is not really changed. As a character, he appears never to have fully grown up. What has changed, is the attitude of the world towards him. His society, Hollywood, in the middle of the California of the American Dream, estimates youth above all, and maintains a "childish" attitude towards things. He himself, however, is excluded from the people he dreams of being with. He lives in a world of disillusionment, the wrong side of Hollywood, together with all those who have never succeeded. But he has somehow conserved a certain hopeful candour, which makes us pity him, as we know he should have no hope. This has however prevented him from sinking into the total despair of e.g. Vanessa, the woman he calls "aunt" . He keeps on dreaming about being famous, rich and young, and he views his own existence as a kid as something close to Paradise. As I have already mentioned, he does not cope with existence like an adult. He is not able to keep his work, his family has been broken to pieces, and yet, all he does is looking for the rich and famous, and dreaming about the return of his career. He is secretly proud that Jayette, the woman in the coffee-shop, has noticed him.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Foreign Policy Toward Iraqi Refugees Essay
In 2003, the US war in Iraq finally toppled Saddam Hussein’s dictatorial regime and freed the Iraqi people from the bondage of tyranny. However, the re-establishment of democratic processes and the road to achieving peace have led to perdition, as Islamist fundamentalism prevailed during the cultural-religious bestowal even at the time prior to Saddam’s reign of power. The victory of democracy in the installation of a new Iraqi government instilled the shadow of political unrest and extreme economic recession, in which the fall of Baghdad may have been buried in a deep grave. At present, the violence in Iraq is showing no sign of slowing down and majority of the Iraqi people continue to suffer tremendously as documented on this account : the UN estimates that 2. 6 million Iraqis have fled since 2003 ranging from 40,000 to 50,000 Iraqis leaves their homes every month; two million flees to nearby countries and about 1. 8 million of the civilian populace seek refuge in safer areas within Iraq, in which Syria and Jordan are among the countries directly helping the refugees for the past three years, and some have fled to Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran and Turkey. Meanwhile, almost daily the media reports on the desolation of Iraqi. The Refugee International has accounted for series and continuing street crimes, the prevalence of business closures, human trafficking, and kidnap-for-ransom cases. In addition, the media said that the documentation of casualties and victims of similar crimes has to be reconciled with at large proportion due inability to locate substantial witnesses and the family of the victims. Goal Positioning The goal of this paper generally seeks to discuss and examine the continuing struggle for survival in Iraq. The product of examination shall be presented through a course of study pertaining to foreign policy toward Iraqi refugees. In particular, a holistic approach will be undertaken, to: (1) identify the extent and magnitude of mass evacuation of refugees, and (2) examine the availability of foreign policies that concern Iraqi refugees. In addition, the objective of the study is to address the long debatable issue on host country refugee adoption and to answer the question â€Å"why and how Iraqi refugees could be hosted by countries like the United States of America but neither by other European countries or in Asia? †This question plainly posits the feasible means of a foreign policy that could be adopted [if there once that exists,] in which this compendium could ventilate the avenues of legislation and to the meanest effort of influencing the public interest for policy initiatives. Background of Study The background of the study focuses on the sub-human conditions of the Iraqi people and their desire to flee from their homeland in exile as refugees. The background [based on the plight of the Iraqi refugees] will also discuss derivatives of study on foreign policies that evolve the goals of this paper. The additional consideration on the need for enabling a foreign policy for Iraqi refugees could indicate and can be comparatively analyzed with the proportion of violence that links the overall unaccounted number of Iraqi casualties. Thus, the initial indicator is based on the documented report that follows: (1) US military killed in Iraq is estimated at 3,973; (2) number of US troops wounded in combat since the war began is 29,203; (3) Iraqi Security Force deaths is 7,924; (4) Iraqi civilians killed is estimated at a range from 81,632 to 1,120,000; (5) internally displaced refugees in Iraq is estimated at 3. 4 million. On the other hand, as part of the documented report , the cost of war has accounted to; $526 billion to date, with a cost per day of $275 million and being estimated at a long- term bill of $3 trillion. In addition, Iraqi unemployment has grown from 25 to 40 percent. Literature Review A brief review of similar literatures will be discussed in this section in order to: (1) present the collection of initiatives and collaboration of international entities and governments for refugees, and (2) link the relevance to the process of this paper. Canada was tasked to assume the role of â€Å"gavel-holder†of the newly established Refugee Working Group (RWG) in January of 1992 as part of the design of the general Middle East peace process (MEPP) that created the Expert and Advisory Services Fund (EASF) as a Canadian involvement to the Middle East Multilateral Peace Process . The EASF is administered by Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC) with funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT). The implementation of EASF for the period of March 2002-2008 works within key policy issues on refugees, in which EASF (Phase 3 IDRC) programs embark on the â€Å"compensation to Palestinian refugees as part of a comprehensive solution, challenges of repatriation and absorption, and gauging and engaging public opinion†. In a related finding, the Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service through its Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS) located in Qatar and the Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) in Washington jointly conducted a study in 2007 regarding this for . The study showed that Iraqis in Jordan and Syria are beneficiaries of two opposing foreign policies, one is the tradition of Arab brotherhood which comprises a political and moral responsibility in providing refuge while the other is an option of Jordan and Syria not to integrate the Iraqis’ permanency . However, the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) considers the Iraqis as â€Å"prima facie refugees†(being registered refugees) who were issued with â€Å"asylum seeker cards†in Jordan and refugee cards in Syria. The UN agencies and NGOs have provided immediate support to lessen the misery. Furthermore, the study team stated that â€Å"the war in Iraq is not limited to Iraq since it has intensely affected the Middle East region . However, according to a statement of a UK-based NGO, many refugees are denied asylum status, being degraded and are even called as â€Å"welfare scroungers†or â€Å"fake refugees†when they come to the UK . It is obvious that the US and UK’s â€Å"War on Terror†is marginalizing refugees still further as numerous legitimate political movements are labeled â€Å"terrorist†. In addition, based on the statement, the UK has curved entire migrant communities as terrorist suspects [in which the anti-terrorism laws have widened the classification of terrorism] encompassed with political activities even on those who are against oppressive regimes overseas . Moreover, the US government has recently released a press statement disclosing that about 12,000 Iraqi refugees will be admitted to US before the end of 2008. According to State Department’s Senior Adviser James Foley, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs’ Tony Edison and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Senior Adviser on Iraqi Refugee Issues’ Lori Scialabba, Iraqis were identified as potential candidates for emigration to the United States. After a year of redoubled efforts, all of the organizations involved in the process are working together to build a more effective refugee screening program . The three US officials further stated that the US has poured in $171 million in humanitarian assistance to displaced Iraqis both in and outside the country in 2007. However, the UN has appealed for $123 million in 2007 to $261 million for 2008 . Scope and Limitation The scope of work will be composed of a 2-prong method which are: (1) on-field and out- field research; within the scope of finding available and adequate materials as derivatives in the conduct of evaluation and the actual field validation of data and (2) study review in areas of fitting in the study parameters in view of legislative policy agenda for refugees in order to re-examine the gaps and further conduct of study. Considerably, the aspect of out-filed research may be limited only to accessing the available data sources, such as on-site interviews to various individuals or personalities and gathering of other data materials that are readily available. Perspectives It has been a glaring and presently debatable issue that Iraqi refugees pose a challenge to global governments and communities of progressive people. The parameters of the study believe that Iraq has not yet overcome the war. While it is true that Iraq was once a captive of political and religious dogmas, the country must still be retained to its sovereign people. The Iraqi refugees is a shame to the least part of developed and even underdeveloped world from Africa to Asian continents because in that part of Middle East lies a bleeding country characterized by the plagues of war. It is in this regard, the study envisions a perspective that would create and supplant the bondage and stigma of war from the life of the Iraqi people. The study also aims to map out the road to recovery, and through that, a foreign policy for Iraqi refugees may guide the ascendancy of moral values and responsibility in order to achieve peace in Middle East and the rest of the world. Conclusion It is clear the Iraqi people continue to walk on the road to perdition due to their long struggle of tyranny. It could be described that the misery after the fall of Baghdad has a continuum in despicable plight. The global partnership in restoring and retaining the democratic processes in Iraq may be a long process and difficult due to the intensely adverse cultural-religious entanglement. Nevertheless, it is necessary to first restore the people’s lives, specifically women, and children. Once this is achieved, it will be no longer hard to once again see the flourishing city of Baghdad where people co-exist in abundant life amidst the barren lands. Bibliography America. Gov, â€Å"United States to Welcome 12,000 More Iraqi Refugees in 2008†(February 06, 2008) [http://www. america. gov/st/peacesec- english/2008/February/20080206160027idybeekcm0. 824032. html] Erik Leaver and Jenny Shin, â€Å"The Iraq Quagmire†, Foreign Policy in Focus, Institute of Foreign Policy, Washington DC 20036. (March 4, 2008). [http://www. fpif. org/fpiftxt/5036] International Development Research Centre (IDRC), â€Å"Middle East Expert and Advisory Services Fund†, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (2008). [ http://www. idrc. ca/uploads/user-S/12060300201Microsoft_Word_- _EASF_Program_Profile__3__final. pdf] Kristele Younes, â€Å"The Iraqi Refugee Crisis†, Foreign Policy in Focus, Institute of Foreign Policy, Washington DC 20036 (March 14, 07). [http://www. fpif. org/fpiftxt/4059] Patricia Weiss Fagen, Iraqi Refugees: â€Å"Seeking Stability in Syria and Jordan†, Georgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration (2007). [http://www12. georgetown. edu/sfs/isim/Publications/PatPubs/Iraqi%20Refugees. pdf] The Refugee Project, 44 Ainger Road, London, NW3 3AT (2008). [http://www. therefugeeproject. org/]
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How did Lenin add to Marxism up to 1905, and with what consequences? Essay
Karl Marx was a German philosopher who wrote the Communist Manifesto, which encouraged workers to unite and seize power by revolution. His views became known as Marxism and influenced the thinking of socialists throughout Europe in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Marx believed that history was evolving in a series of stages towards a perfect state – Communism. These stages started with Feudalism – with the aristocrats controlling politics. Next would come Capitalism – with the bourgeoisie in control of politics. Finally the â€Å"perfect state†would arrive Communism – with the proletariat in control of politics. Marx believed that a Communist state would come about in countries such as Russia that were still feudal or did not have fully developed capitalist societies. He urged the proletariat to join the capitalists in revolting against the aristocrats and complete a capitalist revolution and then continue until the proletarian revolution occurred leading to a communist state. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, also known as Lenin, was born in 1870 in Simvrisk, Russia. Lenin had a turbulent start to his life. At the age of 17 Lenin had to deal with the fact that his brother Alexander Ulyanov was hung for plotting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. He then studied at the University of Kazan, where he converted to Marxism, but was expelled for revolutionary activities. Then in 1895 Lenin was exiled to Siberia for distributing revolutionary pamphlets. During his exile, the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDWP) was formed in Minsk in 1898. After Lenin’s return from exile in 1900, he founded a newspaper, Iskra, with Julius Tsederbaum, also known as Martov. The idea of the paper was to establish it as the leading underground revolutionary paper that would push forward the revolutionary movement. In 1902 he published a pamphlet called †What is to be done?†This pamphlet contained his radical ideas towards the nature of a revolutionary party. In this pamphlet, there were three main points that Lenin made in relation to the role of a revolutionary party. â€Å"An organisation of revolutionaries must contain primarily and chiefly people whose occupation is revolutionary activity†¦ This organisation must necessarily be not very broad, and as secret as possible.†This idea was stating that he wanted the party to consist of activists. He wanted people to go out and do something for the party rather than sit around and do nothing to help the cause of the party. This idea was later to contribute towards the split of the RSDWP. Lenin also stated; â€Å"The one serious organisational principle for workers in our movement must be the strictest secrecy, strictest choice of members, training of professional revolutionaries.†Lenin wanted the party to be professional and didn’t want the country to know that there was a revolutionary party being constructed that was to revolt against the current government. The third major point that Lenin made in his pamphlet was; â€Å"We must break completely with the tradition of a purely workers or trade union type of social democratic organisation down to factory groups inclusive. The factory groups or committee †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ must consist of a very small number of revolutionaries, receiving direct from the committee, orders and powers to conduct the whole social democratic party work in the factory.†This statement showed that Lenin wanted to create a dictatorial party that was to take orders from the top and no one else. He wanted to control the party and maintain it as a fully organised and prepared revolutionary organisation. In these three statements Lenin has already added to Marxism. Marx did not state what the role of the communist party would be. But here Lenin has said what he wants the party to do and how he wants it to be controlled. Marx also did not comment on how the party would operate and how it would gain power. Here in his pamphlet Lenin has shown that he wants a dictatorial party that will be run from the top and that they will take power with a highly organised and secret movement. Karl Marx never stated how and when revolution would take place. Lenin though did mention this. He made three changes to Marx’s theory. 1. Revolution would be accomplished by a small group of highly professional dedicated revolutionaries. They were needed to develop the revolutionary consciousness of workers and focus their attentions. 2. Lenin believed that the revolution would occur during a period of conflict between capitalist powers. He accepted Trotsky’s idea that a revolution would start in an underdeveloped country just like Russia where the struggle and conflict between proletariat and bourgeoisie was very great. This was known as the â€Å"weakest link†theory. 3. He did not think that the middle classes of Russia were strong enough to carry out a revolution. He believed that the working class could develop a revolutionary government of its own alliance with poor peasants who had a history of mass action in Russia. These changes show how Lenin believed in Marxism but added parts that Marx failed to mention in his theory. And so extended Marxism with his own ideas, Leninism. In 1903 the RSDWP held it’s second congress eventually in London, after the initial location Brussels was changed due to fear of persecution. In this congress four main issues were discussed. The first was the adoption of Iskra, Lenin and Martov’s revolutionary newspaper, as the party organ. The second issue discussed was probably the most important of the congress. The issue was that of membership. Lenin’s proposal was: â€Å"A member of the party is one who accepts its programmes and supports it, both materially and by personal participation in one of its organisations.†Lenin wanted party members that were active and actually went out and personally participated in events that would benefit the party. Whereas Martov believed that members should be: â€Å"A member of the RSDWP is one who accepts its programme and supports it both materially and by regular co-operation under the leadership of one of its organisations†Martov believed that party members should be passive and of large quantities similar to that of governments of nowadays. He wanted members to just accept the party’s programme and support in what they do. He didn’t state that he wanted active members like Lenin. George Plekhanov was the chairman of the congress as was the only main figure to agree with Lenin, all of the others on the Iskra editorial board came down on the side of Martov, as did Trotsky. Lenin’s proposal was rejected 28 to 23 and Martov’s proposal was accepted 28 to 22. The third issue of the Congress that was discussed was that of overseas organisations. It was decided that only the League of Revolutionary Social Democracy should be recognised and therefore the Union of Russian Social Democrats Abroad was disfranchised. This action caused the resignation of seven members of congress, all of them being Martov supporters, and sop now allowing supporters of Lenin to be in the majority. The fourth and final major point of the congress was that of Lenin’s proposal to reduce the members of the Iskra editorial board from six to three, and that the new party central committee have only three members. This was accepted and Lenin, Martov and Plekhanov were elected. But it became clear that Martov was in a minority and so rejected the offer and his supporters had nothing more to do with the elections. At this split Lenin’s supporters were dubbed the Bolshevik’s, majority, and Martov’s the Menshevik’s, minority. This congress shows how Lenin was adding to Marxism as he was trying to give the RSDWP some identity and an insight has to how he wanted it to be run. This was an addition to Marx, as he never mentioned how the party would be run and what the role of it would be. But these actions taken by Lenin have large consequences. His ideas clashed with that of Martov and so caused the split of the RSDWP. Another major consequence of Lenin’s abrasive personality and wish to have the RSDWP run his way was that this split of the party was non reconcilable. Plekhanov tried to create reconciliation between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks and co-opted Mensheviks onto the now Bolshevik run Iskra board. But Lenin was having none of this. He resigned leaving Iskra to become a Menshevik organ and organised the Bolsheviks as a separate faction. Trotsky who was part of Martov’s Mensheviks wrote â€Å"Our political tasks†in 1904. â€Å"The party is replaced by the organisation of the party, the organisation by the control committee, and finally the control committee by the dictator.†Trotsky is commenting on the consequence of Lenin’s organisation of the party. He believes that Lenin’s concept of a revolutionary party would inevitably lead to dictatorship. In conclusion Lenin’s main addition to Marxism was to give the details about the role of the party, the membership of the party and the ultimate aim of the party, that Marx did not give when he began his theory of Marxism. But Lenin’s additions did not come without significant consequences that would affect the future of Russian politics.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Expansion and Capture of New Markets
Expansion and Capture of New Markets Introduction Within the recent years,the e-commerce retailing market is rapidly growing and maturing. Creating the specialized website, Superdry has penetrated into the e-commerce market successfully. At the same time, the design of the website requires further improvements as well integration of the social media options for the purpose of attracting new customers and retaining the old ones. The peculiarities of the spheres of the e-commerce and the clothing market need to be taken into consideration for assessing the associated risks.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Expansion and Capture of New Markets specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Research findings According to the results of the recent market research, Superdry not only obtains all the necessary characteristics of a successful retailer, including high quality product, strong brand name and recognizable brand identity, but also looks for new opportunities for p enetrating new markets and utilizing new channels by re-assessing their digital strategy. Superdry as a clothing brand remains popular among various demographic groups (Cotter â€Å"Is Superdry Still Fashionable?†). The tactic which was chosen by the designers, namely the combination of the features of Chinese and American street-wear styles was rather risky but appeared to be successful (Phong â€Å"Brand Pofile: Street-Wear Label Superdry†). Realizing the benefits of the penetration into the e-commerce market, Superdry pays attention to improving the customer’s interface and incorporating new options into the e-commerce retailing site of the company for the purpose of increasing the customer’s satisfaction with the services and attracting the continuous customers. The analysis of the market Within the recent years, a tendency for the rapid growth in the sphere of the European e-market has been observed with more than 25% of growth in sales per year. For example, in 2009 the e-market sales in Europe reached $307, 1 billion as compared to $ 196.9 billion in 2007 and $ 255.7 billion in 2008. According to the forecast for the e-sales in the year 2011, it is expected to be more than $ 400 billion (â€Å"European E-Commerce to Reach 323 Billion Euros in 2011†.) This statistic data and the experts’ forecast for the future growth demonstrate that the investments into the sphere of e-commerce are expected to be profitable. Graph 1 (Adapted from Marketing Charts Website)Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Though the clothes are one of the products requiring trial fittings with the emphasized importance of the color integrity, the clothing is one of the most successful spheres of e-commerce (â€Å"The E-Commerce Market: Size and Trends†). With the quick maturation of the e-market, companies cannot rely o n the prolonged period of its development and should pay proper attention to the development of the sphere in a timely manner (Rigby â€Å"Social Commerce Set to Be Key in 2011†). The criticism of the interface The success of the e-commerce strategies depends upon the convenience of the interface of the company’s web site. In that regard, the design of Superdry website is not consumer-friendly, limiting the opportunities for filtering the products by colour, price and style. Another restriction of the layout is the lack of the option of viewing all the products on one page. With the high competition in the sphere, the customer’s convenience is crucial and the disadvantages in the layout can have a significant impact on the customers’ choices and preferences. The poorly designed website can even have a negative impact on the company’s off-line reputation (â€Å"How to Be an E-Commerce Success†). Being induced to scroll the long lists of the u nfiltered products, customers can decide to switch the service provider. Proposal for the improvement of the Superdry website The major directions for the improvement of the Superdry website include enhancing the customers’ convenience in working with the site and incorporating the social media options into the website layout. Developing the segmented databases for processing the data on the products can be beneficial for increasing the customers’ satisfaction with the interface and even increasing the e-sales of Superdry. Providing customers with opportunities for printing newsletters and generating their awareness on the loyalty programs would be beneficial for generating the consumers’ awareness of the available products and existing options.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Expansion and Capture of New Markets specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Including the elements of the social media into t he interface of the website could be helpful for enhancing its effectiveness. It is possible to start from the automated communications such as welcome, birthday messages for the registered users and proceeding to more complicated options such as creating the links with the social networks. The experience of installation of the specialized cameras in the fitting rooms for providing customers with opportunities to share photos with their friends on the Facebook and ask them for a piece of advice has increased the company’s sales (Rogers â€Å"Integrated Experience Design†). Adoption of this experience and developing the idea of incorporating the social media options into the retail e-commerce can be beneficial for Superdry. Recommendations for Superdry For the purpose of creating a competitive edge and enhancing the effectiveness of the retail e-commerce website, Superdry should focus on the customer-friendliness of the website interface as well as generating the consum ers’ interest by making some special offers, such as vouchers, discounts, gifts packaging. One of the major recommendations is providing customers with opportunities to find exactly what they were looking for by integrating the filtering options into the website interface (Jody â€Å"Superdry, Superbrand!†). Along with working on the layout of the pages and enhancing the convenience and satisfaction of users, the Superdry web designers should aim at creating the opportunities for receiving customers’ feedbacks and taking them into account for making the desirable improvements. Providing customers with an opportunity to express their opinion concerning the work of the website and the quality of the service in general would produce the impression of the involvement into the company’s progress. At the same time, the analysis of the customers’ feedbacks is a valuable source of information on the existing demands of the target customer population. It is important to incorporate particular revolutionizing options for ensuring the user that the company provides the unique opportunities of making reservations in store schemes and trial a click and collect, for example. Growth opportunities and integrated digital strategy The main opportunities for the growth of the company include refining the Google adwords, integrating the social media options with the e-commerce retail options and working on the multi-language campaigns for broadening the customer database and targeting at multi-language audience. For the purpose of optimizing the work of the search engine, Superdry asked for help of Rice Media, the digital agency which had worked on the improvement of the Superdry online marketing strategy and increased the number of visitors of the website by 15% (Cowan â€Å"Superdry Appoints Rice Media for Online Drive†).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Social media options, including the design of the mobile-friendly site and providing customers with opportunities for socializing inside of the site on the forums and through the link to the most popular social networks, are expected to attract wider audience and increase the chances of repeating purchases. The website contains the information on the policy concerning the company’s motifs for collecting the personal information which is believed to enhance customers’ sense of security (â€Å"Privacy Policy†). Creating the links to the social networking websites would motivate users to create the authorized accounts and consequently provide the administration of the website with their personal information which can be used for developing future marketing strategies. Engagement path The achievement of the customers’ involvement into the dialogue with the company retailer is a gradual process including the four major stages of awareness, evaluation, conversi on and engagement. The stage of awareness presupposes enhancing the customers’ awareness of the brand and increasing its popularity for generating the public interest. On the stage of evaluation, customers analyze their experience, making the conclusions which would have impact on the following process of decision making. On the stage of conversion, customers are supposed to make a choice between the various existing tools and decide on the most suitable of them. After the completion of the three previous stages, when an individual has got certain experience and has evaluated it, the engagement of the customers into the dialogue with the company is more probable. Methods of influencing the individual buying phases With the recent shift to the customized approach to the e-commerce, the retailing companies have to develop strategies for retrieving the information on the customers’ preferences, processing it and choosing the appropriate methods for influencing the custome rs’ buying phases. After attracting the customers’ attention with promotions and advertisements, the company should concentrate on retaining the attention. It is important to provide customers with all the necessary support, ranging from the technical support in navigating the site to the opportunities of price comparison. While making the purchase, customers should be provided with the information on the price reductions and discounts. Proper attention to the after-sale phases would increase the chances of the repeating purchases. Companies need to take into consideration the delivery and guarantee terms as well as stimulation for future purchases such as bonus and invitation for the sale events. Conclusion The penetration into the e-commerce retailing market provides a number of opportunities for Superdry though the peculiarities of the quickly growing market need to be taken into consideration by the company for evaluating the existing risks. The success of the e-co mmerce retailing market is associated with the technical integrity and convenience of the website interface as well as the optimization of the search engine, thus, requiring new specialists (â€Å"Managing Risk in E-Commerce†). At the same time, considering the peculiarities of the sphere of the clothing retailing which requires trial fitting of the products, the refunds and exchanges are a separate category of risks which need to be taken into consideration (Budania, Sunil. â€Å"E-Retailing – A New Strategic†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Budania, Sunil. â€Å"E-Retailing – A New Strategic†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Sunil Budania Blog. Web. Cotter, Gary. â€Å"Is Superdry Still Fashionable?† 16 October 2010. Web. Cowan, Katy. â€Å"Superdry Appoints Rice Media for Online Drive†. Creative Boom. 13 July 2010. Web. â€Å"European E-Commerce to Reach 323 Billiopn Euros in 2011†. Marketing Charts. n.a. 9 August 2010. Web. â€Å"How to Be an E-Commerce Succ ess†. A-K Strategic Business Solutions. n.a. n.d. Web. Jody, Leon. â€Å"Superdry, Superbrand!†Pondering’s of a Digital Marketer: Industry News, Trends, Strategy and Insight. 30 June 2010. Web. â€Å"Managing Risk in E-Commerce†. Business Link. n.a. n.d. Web. Phong, Luu. â€Å"Brand Pofile: Street-Wear Label Superdry†. Fashion. Telegraph. 10 February 2010. Web. â€Å"Privacy Policy†. Superdry Website. n.a. n.d. Web. Rigby, Chloe. â€Å"Social Commerce Set to Be Key in 2011†. Internet Retailing. 12 Nov. 2010. Web. Rogers, Teri. â€Å"Integrated Experience Design†. Think. Create. Deliver. Blog. 17 June 2010. Web. â€Å"The E-Commerce Market: Size and Trends†. Global Merchant Services. n.a. n.d. Web.
Monday, October 21, 2019
About Pepsi Cola
About Pepsi Cola Free Online Research Papers Pepsi is that Blue, Red and White American designed can that has evolved, into an array of flavorful beverages that many have come to love and enjoy. Pepsi contains: CARBONATED WATER, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, CARAMEL COLOR, SUGAR, PHOSPHORIC ACID, CAFFEINE, CITRIC ACID, and NATURAL FLAVORS Calories 100 Total Fat (g) 0 Sodium (mg) 20 Potassium (mg) 10 Total Carbohydrates (g) 28 Sugars (g) 28 Protein (g) 0 Caffeine (mg) 25 The Pepsi beverage brand has more than one line of beverages under the product label. The beverages lines consist of Gatorade, Starbucks cold coffee drinks, Aquafina, Life Water, Dole, Tropicana, Sobe, Lipton Teas, Brisk Tea, Adrenaline, Sobe No Fear, AMP, Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist and Diet Pepsi, Caffeine Free Pepsi, Pepsi Jazz and Pepsi. The product mix remains in the Beverage range, bottled, can or fountain in a variety of selections from 4 ounces to 24 packs. The packaging for each individual item is uniquely branded or trademarked by Pepsi. Pepsi’s name is derived from two of the principal ingredients, pepsin and kola nuts. The drink was created in New Bern, North Carolina; by a pharmacist named Caleb Bradham in 1897. Pepsi was originally sold for a nickel. The Pepsi colors were changed originally to support the war to Red, White and Blue. Innovation has been key to the substantial growth of the company. General information from and Research Papers on About Pepsi ColaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XWhere Wild and West MeetPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Hockey GameThe Spring and AutumnHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionStandardized Testing
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Assessor Award
A1 Assessor Award BY fiffi20 7317 Vocational Assessors Award Underpinning Knowledge Requirements QI. The way how I identify and use different types of evidences when carrying out assessments are by reading through all the chosen units assessment reports to have a clear understanding of the criteria/elements which the candidate must meet. The different types of evidences which can be used are, Task Statements, Work Product/ Work Evidences, Observations, Supplementary Evidences, Questionnaires, Professional Discussions and also Witness Statements. Q2. When comparing different types of evidences, I make sure the work product overs either, the Skills and Techniques or the Performance Indicators depends on the NVQ course, this get done on both the mandatory unit as well as the unit the candidate is working on. This is done by me checking the evidence against the Assessment Report and referencing the elements which have been met. Q3. When it comes to me collecting evidence I normally get my candidates to print their evidences in black and white instead of colour to save the cost of their ink cartridge. If possible I would also ask them to print double sided to save paper. I always ask my candidates if they have created any sort of evidence prior to our eeting, that way I could see if the evidence is suitable for the task and if its meets any of the elements on the assessment report if so this saves a lot of time on the candidate behalf if not, I do set my candidates deadlines for them to meet, so that way then can complete to hand over evidences. Q4. If a candidate has completed evidences prior to the assessment process I would ask them to demonstrate how they started and completed the task. I would also have a Professional Discussion with them to cover certain Performance Indicators as well as getting a Witness Statement completed by a person high then he candidate, someone who can confirm that the candidate was able tackle this task. Depends on the unit, I would sometimes also give Questionnaires to them to cover their Knowledge and Understanding. Q5. To develop and agree assessment plans with the candidates I consider all Performance Indicators and Skills and Techniques for each chosen unit, I then advise them on the assessment methods which will be used to collect the evidence and also a date/time of completion is set and agreed by both the candidate and myself. Q6. To assess the performance of my candidate I observe them while they are ackling the work evidence and I also question them this could either be verbal or written. Through this method I can pin point their performance against specific parts of the standard. evelop their competency would be to give them extra training on specific areas which they lack knowledge in and also set them task where I could observe them on that particular training to see whether or not they understood to concept and learnt from the training. I would also question them to confirm they understanding. By doing this I can make sure the candidate will be able to meet the criteria/element. Q8. Diff erent candidate have different needs, some need more training and guidance than others. So when changing assessment procedures all aspect must be considered. For example I have a candidate who is a Personal Assistant for a Head Teacher in a school which I assess in. I show her the Action Plans and Assessment Reports and explain the criteria/element which she must meet, she is able to produce evidence instantly due to IT knowledge and Job role, this candidate need very little training in her Business and Administration course as long as I explain what is required from her and her work products/work evidences. However I then have a candidate who is a receptionist at a medical centre, this candidate has dyslexia and needs a huge amount of training and guidance, especially with her Task Statements. A lot more time must be spent with this candidate and the deadline of evidence must be slightly longer then others. Q9. When collecting evidences must ensure there are no confidentially information which relates to neither the company nor their clients/customers. The evidences must be created by the candidates so that way they are valid and fair. If the candidate does not create the evidence then it is hard to identify whether or not it is air. All evidences must be valid. I must check dates and check the assessment reports. I must speak to the Manager and advise them which type of evidence the candidate will be submitting. QIO. When completing work evidences, the evidence must follow the assessment standard of the CADCentre unit standard booklet. QI 1. To measure existing levels of competence I always question my candidates, this could either be verbal or written. I also get the candidate to perform the task so Im able to observe and Judge their competency level. Q12. To make a valid and reliable assessment of my candidates knowledge I ormally hold a professional discussion with them and also given them questionnaires to complete. Q13. To make a valid and reliable assessment of my candidates performance I get my candidate to produce work evidence to support there claim, to complete a Task Statement and I then type out the Observation which will backup the task which they completed and also to reference the criteria/elements which they successfully matched. collect the work evidence and the Task Statement from the candidate and then I would go through the assessment report and tick off the criteria/elements which they uccessfully met. This is done once IVe collect all evidences towards the relevant unit. This will show that the candidate was capable to meeting the required criteria/ elements. QI 5. To check that the evidence was created by the candidate I always ask them to demonstrate who they created the evidence and also I would take down the file path. The file path is added to the candidates work evidence as well as in my Observations. Q16. To make sure that supporting evidences supplied by other people are reliable I ask the Manager to write out a Witness Statement, I would also speak to the witness egarding the candidates unit, explaining the criteria/elements which they need to cover and will be assed on. The witness must have knowledge and experience in the area which I will assess to allow them to write up the statement otherwise it will not be valid. QI 7. I always tell the candidates that they can use evidences which they previously created towards the chosen unit. For instance an ITQ candidate might have already created a Powerpoint presentation a few weeks ago and as she/he Chose this particular unit, instead of getting them to re-create another resentation we would use the same as long as it met all the relevant criteria/ elements. This saves the candidate a lot of time and effort and fast tracks he collection of the evidence. Q18. The way how I give constructive feedback to my candidates is by after the completion ofa task I would sit down with them and go over the task again. My feedback sheet will state the unit number, the task which the candidate has completed, date of completion, a brief paragraph giving a positive feedback on the task, state any issues which the candidate might have had during the task and also I ention the next stage which they will be moving on to. Q19. The way how I involve my candidates in the planning of assessment , I sit with them and explain all the criteria/elements which they will need to meet, the date of completion must also be agreed by both parties. I would also Judge whether or not the candidate will need extra training times on certain criteria/element to allow them to meet them. Q20. To keep to the data protection act I must store all candidates details safe and secure. Candidate detail must not be shown nor shared with any other candidates or any one outside the CADCentre. Q21. I have a lot of patients and give a lot of my time to my candidates who I feel lack to take part in different in their assessment. Im constantly training them to regain their confidences and knowledge. I also advise them that they can email or call me regarding any questions which they might have. I also give them the option of training them through specific area. IVe noticed that more practice the candidate has the better their understanding is. Q22. I make sure that I treat all my candidates the same, all with the same respect regardless to age, gender, race or beliefs. I train all my candidates equally, however I o sometimes give extra time/training to those who are in need. Q23. To meet the needs to each of my candidate, I assess them on the second initial visit after the signup. I question them verbally to have a clear view of the competency and needs. From that I can Judge which candidate will need extra training. Q24. I always give a feedback to all my candidates after the completion ofa task or even a unit. Again in this I will verbal talk to them as well as write out a feedback sheet. Feedbacks are very important to candidates, they can see their progressions and also identify their weaknesses. Q25. I have always built a good friendly relationship with all my candidates, make them feel at ease to ask questions and get in contact with me at any time regarding any issues which they might have with the course/evidence. Q26. To monitor and review the progress of my candidates I always complete an eight week review which states and identifies how the candidate is progressing, whether its a slow progression or an up to date progress. Deadlines are always set with my candidates and some do meet them and some do go over the deadline. Q27. Candidates are always upgrading their positions within companies. I must ake sure that my knowledge and understand of the course, assessment reports and standards are ofa high level to allow me to assess the candidates. Knowledge in softwares are also very important, as a candidate might chose to complete their NVQ in a specific software such as Access. Access is a database software which not many people know how to use and not many companies use, so to be able to assess and train in Access my knowledge and understand must be high. Q28. To update my existing skills and experience I would take full advantage of any training/course opportunities which may arise. This will enhance my skills, nowledge and also experience. Q29. I would take in consideration any Internal Verifier feedbacks, I would also constantly look at the City and Guilds web site and also sign up for the Newsletters. Q30. To improve my personal development I would again take full advantage of any qualifications and criterias. Q31. To meet my candidates needs in a safe, fair, valid and reliable manner I would take in to account there needs and work in line with the relevant legislations. As I mentioned before I have a candidate who suffers from Dyslexia, with her I need to print the text in a larger font and explain each point to her fully for her to have fully nderstanding of what is required from her. Q32. To recognise and challenge unfair discrimination in assessments I would refer back to the procedure, CADCentre Handbook. Q33. I would liaise with the Internal Verifier and then External Verifier to get advice on meeting candidates special assessment requirements. Q34. To identify and plan for issues of confidentiality and data protection during the assessment process I would either collect the Work Product or if the data is confidential then I would only request the file path. The file path is needed in case he Internal Verifier or External Verifier wanted to go to the company and have a look and the evidence. Q35. The way how I would record, store and pass on assessment decisions to other people within an agreed system would be by recording it on assessment plans and completing a summary of achievement. Q36. I would say to identify and assess things that could influence my own competence, could be an ITQ unit such as (214). By observing another person I could learn new skills on a particular software. Q37. I would liaise with my manager and request training in either a particular course, scheme, FL, CPD and also PTTLS.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Disparities in Health Care and African Americans Distrust in Essay
Disparities in Health Care and African Americans Distrust in Physicians - Essay Example Susan., Jenny, K. Miller and Lily, A. Arasatnam, 2003). Disparities are also seen in the unwillingness of African Americans to participate in clinical trials due to distrust (Giselle, Stephen and Diane, 2002).Research has also shown that African Americans seek treatments less frequently than the whites, they are also less likely to accept physicians at the end of life due to views that there is nothing that can be done. As a result, African Americans have a larger share of the burden linked to mental illness and other diseases. They are also resistant to accept decisions that save life as they do not trust physicians to promote their best interests at the end of life care (Siminoff and Robert, 1997).Studies have also shown that, if an African American patient pays a visit to a white physicians, there is less involvement in decision making, less partnership, lower rates of trust and lower levers of satisfaction in the care (LaVeist, Kim, and Janius, 2000).Lack of treatment may be due to absence of resources, insurance obstacles, cultural believes, attitudes and mistrust in the health care institutions. Disparity in health care is also due to lack of knowledge among the African Americans hence they have misconceptions which may preclude them from adopting such medications as viable forms of treatment (Schnittker, 2004).Such misconceptions includes the belief that treatments are ‘experimentally’ or mind altering. Studies have also shown that religious orientations can also reduce the willingness to take Psychiatric medications especially if they are deemed as ineffective in comparison to divine influence (Schnittker, 2004). Trust is also very important for all medical decisions such as using Psychiatric medications and adherence to medical regimens. Trust plays a very critical role in those cultures that have indigenous traditions that are contrary to treatment methods. It is therefore an important component of physician-patient
Aspects of Contract & Negligence Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Aspects of Contract & Negligence - Assignment Example 1). For example, a contractor agrees to construct a building on a specific site for the site owner within a particular timeframe and pursuant to detailed specifications in consideration of a specific price to paid by the site owner. In ordinary circumstances this would be a gratuitous exchange of promises. However, since the parties (site owner and contractor) intend to create legal relations, the agreement is a contract and therefore the voluntary undertakings and promises become legal obligations under the law (Koffman and MacDonald, p. 1). For instance, if the contractor fails to construct the building within the specific timeframe, the site owner has a right to sue the contractor for a breach of contract and can seek compensatory damages for the same. Likewise, if the contractor lives up to his or her undertakings and promises and the site owner fails to pay the promised price for the same, the contractor can sue the site owner for breach of contract and may seek compensatory dam ages as well. In a typical case, the parties to a contract will expressly state or write out the terms of the contract. In this regard, each of the parties’ undertakings and promises will be articulated. The parties will then have a legal obligation to abide by those express terms (Ashcroft and Ashcroft, p. 50). The express terms of a contract will often have an impact on other persons who are not parties to the contract, although the right to enforce the express terms of a contract will only be applicable to the parties who have formed the contract and negotiated its terms and conditions (Ashcroft and Ashcroft, p. 51). The impact on other parties not parties to the contract can arise in specifically defined circumstances. For example a contract for a contractor to install doors and windows in a dwelling house for a site owner who leases the house to tenants will impact the tenants. In the installation of windows and doors, the tenants will be subjected to disruptions and int erruptions in their daily lives as the construction takes place. Therefore if for some reason either the contractor or the site owner delays the installation of the doors and windows, the tenants will be disadvantaged. Therefore in an action for breach of contract on the part of the contractor, the site owner may be entitled to claim additional damages for having to compensate the tenants either by a reduction in rent or a temporary relocation as a result of the delay. Therefore, although privity of contract only means that only the parties to the contract are bound by the specific terms and conditions in the contract, the impact of breaching those terms and conditions on third parties may increase the obligations of the parties to the contract (Koffman and MacDonald, p. 476). In the example provided (a contract for installing doors and windows), the contractor will also have to rely on other parties to ensure that he or she lives up to her specific terms and conditions. For example , the contractor will have to order doors and windows and will also have to enter into a contract for the delivery of the windows and doors. Therefore, two other contracts will come into play under the main contract and any breaches of these incidental contracts can impact the contractor’s ability to live up to the terms and conditions of the main contract (Koffman and MacDonald, p. 477). Therefore, if the windows and doors are not delivered on time, the contractor may be in breach of the contract with the site owner and in an action
Do you agree that the decision in Radmacher v Granatino 'is as far as Essay
Do you agree that the decision in Radmacher v Granatino 'is as far as the courts can go' without there being legislative cha - Essay Example Sometimes pertained to as an â€Å"antenuptial agreement†, a pre-nuptial agreement is actually â€Å"a contract made betwen two individuals before their marriage to each other†2. Basically, a pre-nuptial contract contains all information or details with regards to the couple’s preferred financial or property settlement in case a divorce would occur in the future. Legally speaking, a pre-nuptial contract will only take into effect after the couple has entered a marriage. This study will closely examine the case of Radmacher v Granatino3. To give the readers a clear idea with regards to this topic, a summary of the case Radmacher v Granatino will first be provided in details. As part of the study conclusion, this study will purposely explain and discuss the most obvious reasons why I strongly agree to the idea that the decision made in the case of Radmacher v Granatino ‘is as far as the courts can go’ followed by discussing whether or not it will be a good thing for the family law in England and Wales to change as suggested will be answered in details. General Information About The Case of Radmacher v Granatino The case of Radmacher v Granatino is a good example wherein the couple agreed to enter into a pre-nuptial agreement
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Compare Champion of the World (Angelou) and Fish Cheeks (Tan) Essay
Compare Champion of the World (Angelou) and Fish Cheeks (Tan) - Essay Example Maya Angelou has the historical issue of racism before her that baffles satisfactory solution and she articulates discrimination suffered by the African Americans and as such she uses narration to depict her sense of isolation from the dominant culture. Amy Tan employs the method of description to highlight the issue of generation gap and the discrimination which relates to the fascination of the young and not to the ground realities related to the Chinese versus American cultures. Both the authors articulate the issues about those who feel like aliens in principally white America. Angelou encounters and holds her differences as a child. Tan is chagrined of her culture until later in life when realization dawns on her that her exclusivity is an issue for celebration. It is not to be pitied or condemned. Angelou’s skin color made her dissimilar from the rest of the principal culture. As a young African American girl living in pre-civil rights era, Angelou dealt with discrimination without intermission and it was part of everyday lives of the black people. Rape, abuse and lynching took place in the ordinary course and yet they were full of pride for their culture. Some of them were outstanding like Joe Louis, a black boxer, who challenged a white man in a heavyweight boxing competition of the world. The contest was watched by one and all of the Black Americans. Maya Angelou describes the bout-eve scenario thus: â€Å"The last inch of space was filled, ye t people continued to wedge themselves along the walls of the store†(p.112). This indicates that the Black Americans, who were isolated from the mainstream society, were thrilled to find their man getting space and recognition and he was being watched on the television by millions. Their isolated spirit was beginning to get recognition by the society. When he wins the contest, the reaction of Angelou is obvious. She is inflated with pride and her original conviction about the greatness of the
Organizational Behavior in Walmart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Organizational Behavior in Walmart - Essay Example According to the paper long before the inception of Wal-Mart, Sam Walton toured across the country and making a study of everything he came across that was related to discount retailing. The more he studied about it he was increasingly convinced that consumers in America needed a different kind of store. Therefore, Sam trusted his instincts and together with his wife Helen, pumped in about 95% of the money in Rogers, Ark for his very first Wal-Mart store in 1962 and by 1972, there were a total of 15 Wal-Mart stores across the country. In fact, it was in 1972 that Wal-Mart stock began for the first time on the New York Stock Exchange. By the end of the decade the company expanded to 276 stores scattered over 11 states. This growth was primarily due to the infusion of capital over the years. In 1983, the Wal-Mart store came of age as it expanded into â€Å"Sam’s Club member’s warehouse. In 1988, the first Wal-Mart supercenter was established, a complete grocery store com prising of 36 separate departments for general merchandise. By the year 1989, the Wal-Mart business boomed by way of 1402 stores and 123 locations for Sam’s Clubs. The rate of employment escalated 10 fold as the growth of sales shot up from $1 billion during the 1980’s to $ 26 billion in the years that followed. Currently, Wal-Mart is considered to be one among the world’s best and most successful retailers of the 21st century, with approximately 8,100 stores employing around 2.1 million employees and associates who serve approximately 176 million customers each year. From what we know of the history of Wal-Mart, that is not doubt that it could be a perfect example in portraying how the company manages its growth by always keeping its values insight.Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Do you agree that the decision in Radmacher v Granatino 'is as far as Essay
Do you agree that the decision in Radmacher v Granatino 'is as far as the courts can go' without there being legislative cha - Essay Example Sometimes pertained to as an â€Å"antenuptial agreement†, a pre-nuptial agreement is actually â€Å"a contract made betwen two individuals before their marriage to each other†2. Basically, a pre-nuptial contract contains all information or details with regards to the couple’s preferred financial or property settlement in case a divorce would occur in the future. Legally speaking, a pre-nuptial contract will only take into effect after the couple has entered a marriage. This study will closely examine the case of Radmacher v Granatino3. To give the readers a clear idea with regards to this topic, a summary of the case Radmacher v Granatino will first be provided in details. As part of the study conclusion, this study will purposely explain and discuss the most obvious reasons why I strongly agree to the idea that the decision made in the case of Radmacher v Granatino ‘is as far as the courts can go’ followed by discussing whether or not it will be a good thing for the family law in England and Wales to change as suggested will be answered in details. General Information About The Case of Radmacher v Granatino The case of Radmacher v Granatino is a good example wherein the couple agreed to enter into a pre-nuptial agreement
Organizational Behavior in Walmart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Organizational Behavior in Walmart - Essay Example According to the paper long before the inception of Wal-Mart, Sam Walton toured across the country and making a study of everything he came across that was related to discount retailing. The more he studied about it he was increasingly convinced that consumers in America needed a different kind of store. Therefore, Sam trusted his instincts and together with his wife Helen, pumped in about 95% of the money in Rogers, Ark for his very first Wal-Mart store in 1962 and by 1972, there were a total of 15 Wal-Mart stores across the country. In fact, it was in 1972 that Wal-Mart stock began for the first time on the New York Stock Exchange. By the end of the decade the company expanded to 276 stores scattered over 11 states. This growth was primarily due to the infusion of capital over the years. In 1983, the Wal-Mart store came of age as it expanded into â€Å"Sam’s Club member’s warehouse. In 1988, the first Wal-Mart supercenter was established, a complete grocery store com prising of 36 separate departments for general merchandise. By the year 1989, the Wal-Mart business boomed by way of 1402 stores and 123 locations for Sam’s Clubs. The rate of employment escalated 10 fold as the growth of sales shot up from $1 billion during the 1980’s to $ 26 billion in the years that followed. Currently, Wal-Mart is considered to be one among the world’s best and most successful retailers of the 21st century, with approximately 8,100 stores employing around 2.1 million employees and associates who serve approximately 176 million customers each year. From what we know of the history of Wal-Mart, that is not doubt that it could be a perfect example in portraying how the company manages its growth by always keeping its values insight.Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The poems Half-past Two, Reports and Dear Mr. Lee Essay Example for Free
The poems Half-past Two, Reports and Dear Mr. Lee Essay Look again at the poems Half-past Two, Reports and Dear Mr. Lee. How does UA Fanthorpe create a sense of character in each poem and what does the reader learn about her view of the education system as presented in these three poems? The three poems analysed in this essay are Half-past Two, Dear Mr Lee and Reports all of which are written by UA Fanthorpe. The poems are linked to each other as they refer to the education system. The order of the poems are the least critical of the education system to the most critical. In the first poem I have selected to compare is Half-past Two. The poem follows the thoughts of a small boy, waiting in a classroom for his teacher to arrive at half-past two. The only problem is that he is unable to tell the time and so is unable to judge at what time he must leave the classroom. The minutes he waits in the classroom for his teacher to arrive, feel like eternity to the boy as hes lost in time. The poem shows the young pupils routine being broken, as he dreams of being lost in a world of confusion. The beginning of Half-past Two begins like a fairytale: Once upon in a child-like tone. The main character in the poem is the little boy. The boy is left to stay behind in the classroom as hed done Something Very Wrong. The capitilisation and repetition of the line two lines later, indicates to the reader the teachers angry tone and she was cross show the reader the feelings of the pupil being ashamed. Yet it doesnt go into detail what hed done: (I forget what it was). From the beginning of the poem it is obvious to the reader that it is written by the pupil as an adult remembering back a childhood memory, as the brackets throughout the poem show the adult perspective. As a pupil at the time he hadnt done anything serious as it had not played a significant part in his life. The use of vocabulary such as Grantime indicates to the reader its a small child. Due to the fact the little boys illiterate the spoken words sound like a single unit: Gettinguptime, timeyouwereofftime. This is represented by words being merged together as one. The little boy understands time in terms of actions or events that happened at these times and knows a lot of time for a small child: All the important times he knew. But not half-past two. The boy hadnt been taught time by his teacher, but he was too scared of being wicked to remind her. The little boy is innocent, scared and sad for what hed done and hasnt done anything serious, thus becoming the object of the readers sympathy. The clock face seems real and alive to the boy: the little eyestwo long legs for walking. As he stares at the clock the little boy thinks the clock is talking to him, as UA Fanthorpe uses onomatopoeia: But he couldnt click its language The personification of the clock symbolises how the childs imgagination starts to develop the only interesting and important object in the room indicating the boy feels very mundane: So he waited, beyond onceupona. The boy then starts to fall into a dream world like a fairytale due to the boredom he suffers, which reminds him of bedtime going to a world beyond onceupona. The boys daily routine has been broken, as there are no adults around to tell him when its time to do something. As he falls into a daze: Into the smell of old chrysanthemumsInto the air outside the window, into ever the repetition of the word into suggests the timelessness and the environment around the boy is changing and drifting as he becomes aware of every minute smells as his senses become alert. The other characters in the poem Half-past Two is the little boys teacher. The teacher comes to the little boys rescue. As when she enter there is a dramatic effect, and shes shocked when she see the little boy still in the classroom: And then, My goodness, she said The teachers disorganized, disorientated and forgetful as she scuttled about, panicking about the boy. The teacher is so busy, she cant remember what she has taught her pupils. The reader gets the impression that the teacher is young and doesnt have a lot of teaching experience being new to the field. Its ironic as she says Run along or youll be late as he doesnt know what time is. UA Fanthorpes presentation of the education system as presented in Half-past Two shows the reader how imperative time is in order to function and survive in modern day society. In the poem the importance of time is when the detention ends not when a particular event occurs. The message UA Fanthorpe is getting across to the reader about the education system is that time is crucial and that it must be taught earlier on in the school syllabus rather then a later stage in life, as a young childs sense in life is determined by routine events. The second poem is called Dear Mr Lee also written by UA Fanthorpe. The poem is written in form of a letter, by an English student expressing their love for a piece of literature by Laurie Lee. The student is writing a letter of apology, as they think they have failed an English exam yet may be proved wrong as the student seems pessimistic. The reader learns about why the student is writing the letter and the feelings and emotions of the student about failing an English exam. The beginning of the poem Dear Mr Lee is one long continuous stanza by the student whereas in Half-past Two the poem is written in short verses. The poems are both similar as in Half-past Two the short verses represent the childs short disjointed thoughts as also in Dear Mr Lee the structure of the poem follows the students thoughts like a stream of chaotic consciousness by using enjambment. The reader gets the feeling that the student is three dimensional, as even though the character is pessimistic, yet they are positive about Cider with Rosy. The student is very sarcastic about her English teacher, Mr Smart but shows maturity as she doesnt pass the blame for her failing exam. In contrast to Dear Mr Lee the vocabulary used in Half-past Two is very simple and the made-up words represent a young childs language. The reader learns that the main character in the book is an English student expressing their passion for their favourite author, Laurie Lee. The student addresses Mr. Lee is a sign of the students respect and admiration for him. The student refers to Mr. Lee as Laurie Lee as they see him as a friend: Its rude to call you Laurie, but thats how I think of you. The letter is friendly and informal yet trying to be formal in order to show respect. Other characters mentioned in the poem in Dear Mr Lee is also a teacher just like in Half-past Two. The student describes her English teacher Mr Smart as cynical and uninspiring, indicating to the reader he isnt a supporting and helpful teacher. The name Mr Smart may be an ironic nickname given by the student, yet the reader never finds out. Mr Smart is a direct contrast to Laurie Lee who is his dynamic opposite. He doesnt seem to motivate his students, which is due to the lack of enthusiasm shown by the student towards his English classes. In Half-past Two the teacher didnt mean to leave him in the classroom for that long a period of time to cruel. The teacher had genuinely forgot that she had left the poor little boy in the classroom and did everything she could to slot him back into his usual routine. Mr Smart is harsh and critical as he says to the student that anyone with her punctuation to consider poetry as a career is enough to make the angels weep. Mr Smart is only intereste d in exam results and not the subject. The presentation of the education system in Dear Mr Lee criticizes the education system, as it doesnt credit the students enthusiasm and passion for literature and English. From UA Fanthorpes poem, it indicates to the reader that education is interested in good exam results from pupils and wants a restrictive and analytical approach, which discourages a personal and intimate response from students. The student didnt enjoy studying Shakespeare, as she didnt understand what was being taught. The one book that the student was able to understand and love was the book Cider with Rosy yet when it came to the exam the student didnt much like the questions about social welfare in the rural community and the seasons as perceived by an adolescent. The exam doesnt credit the students enthusiasm and passion for the book, and so the student failed the exam. Unlike Dear Mr Lee the poem Half-past Two is less critical, as it only emphasis the necessity of time. While in Dear Mr Lee is very critical towards the education syllabus, and how the syllabus is being taught. The poems are both similar as the teacher plays a major role in the students view and thoughts. Mr. Smarts attitude towards one of his students has an affect on their motivation towards English. As a teacher Mr. Smart lacked to offer the support and passion the student required in order to appreciate and take leisure in English. The last poem I will analyse is Reports which is also written by UA Fanthorpe. The poem Reports is written from a teachers point of view unlike in Half-past Two and Dear Mr Lee which are written from the point of view of students. Out of all the poems Reports is the most critical, as the teacher shows his or her frustration towards the education system. The teacher is trying to write reports for their students yet in order to justify the truth about the students they must be politically correct. This leaves the teacher stranded and unable to write an accurate, truthful and fair report for the pupils. Due to not writing accurate reports, it leaves the teacher annoyed, as there is no more truth in the education system, which has become corrupt. The poem Reports is the most negative of the three poems, this is due to the fact there isnt one single positive comment made by the teacher. The beginning of Reports has the use of italics in order to indicate to the reader what the teacher is thinking of what to write unlike in Half-past Two where italics represent speech: Has made a sound beginning This is written in typical report style phraseology. The tone of the poem is formal from the start to the end, similar to the poem Dear Mr Lee except Reports is formal through out. The poem is written in stanzas just like in Half-past Two except they are longer showing the thoughts of the teacher are more sophisticated and more developed than the little boy in the poem Half-past Two. Using Pronouns are dangerous as the teacher doesnt want to be personal and indirect which may be considered rude. When the teacher uses the word dangerous they are using a mocking sarcastic tone, as the teacher will be in trouble for breaking a school policy. This proves to the reader that teacher and pupil relationships arent close as shown in Dear Mr Lee where teachers dont want to get personal with their students. The teacher has a very cynical view of reports, as they feel they are obligated to write what people want to hear. The teachers negativity is sensed in Dear Mr Lee as seen by the character M r. Smart. The teacher must constantly remind themself to: Be on your guard The teacher feels the report says something about the teacher and not just the pupil. The teacher must keep on thinking about what the officials want to hear yet something that will be easily understood as the teacher wants something that Should satisfy them. Near the end of the poem Reports the teacher is reminding themself why they wanted to teach in the first place. Like the teacher in Half-past Two the teacher from Reports used to think education was the most important thing in the world. Then after a few years teaching like in the poem Dear Mr Lee teachers were no longer idealistic and think they could change the world. This leads to the failure of pupils due to education. Other characters that are mentioned in Reports are Parent, child, head. In contrast to Half-past Two and Dear Mr Lee the characters mentioned in Reports arent direct and dont speak. The teacher thinks about who will read the reports and they are seen as evil as they will look for mistakes made by the teacher: Unholy trinity, will read Your scripture backwards The holy group of three becomes unholy. Through out the poem the Parent, child, head are mention by the teacher as them. Like evil, the devil will read backwards and three is seen as a magical number. The teacher doesnt want to set them any riddles which will be difficult to understand and interperate. The presentation of the education system in Reports by UA Fanthorpe compared to the other two poems is similar to the moral of Dear Mr Lee is that education is dieing because its becoming controlled and narrow. Pupils are failing because the education system is failing them similar to Reports when the student fails their exam. Yet, in Reports unlike in Half-past Two and Dear Mr Lee it indicates to the reader from the poem that people are no longer able to tell the truth and pupils have no more enthusiasm towards education like in Dear Mr Lee. The education system leads to disillusionment for both pupils, teachers and officials. The future of education will only be grave stones as death is the ultimate teacher ending with an epitaph saying: Rest in peace. From studying all three of the poems written by UA Fanthorpe it becomes obvious to the reader UA Fanthorpe doesnt agree the way education is being run through schools. The message comes across to the reader as UA Fanthorpe criticizes the education system as being corrupt and unjustified. As shown through the poem Reports UA Fanthorpe express her frustration through the teacher. UA Fanthorpe is saying that there is no longer truth and that the education system must be politically correct. My personal response to the poem is that education has become more restricted in the modern day society we are living in today. The education system syllabus concentrates more on getting the grades than getting a pleasurable response from the students. I think for students to be motivated further its imperative they get the inspiration to learn. Obviously this is no longer happening in the education syllabus. As mention in Dear Mr Lee the students passion for Laurie Lees literature, wasnt ever credited by their teacher at the time Mr Smart. The student wasnt enthusiastic about learning, so how is a student meant to progress? I felt there does need to be honesty in the education system in order for it to succeed and be efficient, Reports addressed my attention to this matter. I feel UA Fanthorpe is raising awareness about what the education system is becoming and make us aware of the issue and decide for ourselves.
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