Monday, December 23, 2019
The Elderly Hispanic American Population Residing Along...
Research studies have indicated that the elderly Hispanic-American population residing along the Texas-Mexico border has minimal access to healthcare as well as inadequate use of preventive and screening services. The elderly population in El Paso, Texas is speculated to increase by 21.8% between 2014 to 2019 for the age group between 70 to 74 and 11.7% for the age group between 75 to 79. Unfortunately, many oral healthcare professionals are avoiding geriatric certification as a result of the low fees associated with Medicare and Medicaid and the bothersome paperwork that is often affiliated with the elderly, low-income, and minority patient. Based upon the Healthy People 2020 objectives for issues that are applicable to older adults; the objective to be addressed within this review report is the objective of increasing the proportion of dentists with geriatric certification. The specific research question to be addressed is â€Å"What are various factors that might be inhibitin g dentists from attaining their geriatric certification and what are some strategies to overcome these obstacles and further facilitate this objective?†While the main priority should be to advocate for further health promotion of oral care in the elderly population and increasing the numbers of elderly adults that are able to understand the health benefits of oral care; various factors among the dentistry profession and elderly population must also be addressed. These factors might include ethnic
Sunday, December 15, 2019
I can not help but wonder why they would do this to me. I have been at peace with these humans for many years Free Essays
For 300 years I have guarded my treasure. My family and I had taken it from a human’s town that we once fumed upon. I took my share and placed it on the upland heath concealed in a barrow. We will write a custom essay sample on I can not help but wonder why they would do this to me. I have been at peace with these humans for many years or any similar topic only for you Order Now No man should have seen it or even caught a reflection of these jewels sparkling in the light of the sun. I was isolated from this world because of what I am, the fire-drake, they call me. When Hygelac was king I did not bother his people often, even when the new ruler came to power for 50 years I did not bother his kingdom. A dirty human then snatched one of my treasure pieces right out of the barrow. The day I came back to my lair I knew something was missing. The precious cup made of gold and jewels had disappeared. Angry and full of rage I set forth to seek out the wretched thief, while returning to my barrow numerous of time to see if my eyes had deceived me. The gold treasure-cup was still no where to be found. I will burn them all to ashes. The fury that I possessed was uncontrollable. I could feel the anger slowly making its why through my body, and until I found the thief I was going to contain it. There were so many of these creatures how was I to know which one had my treasure-cup. They are all alike it does not matter who stole my gold treasure-cup. †Do not think to start anything with these humans Draco,†I turned around to see that it was my father and the leader of my kind, Drace. †You do not understand. I will not let these so called humans take advantage of me.††It was just one golden treasure-cup that is all!†Why is Drace not agreeing with me? †It is that it was my treasure-cup and they came and bothered me first!†I roared back. †You are on your own then. For if one gold treasure-cup is worth starting a war over then so be it! But let this be known that I will not help you in any way. This is your battle. But let me also warn you of a man called, Beowulf, for he is unlike the rest of their kind.†With that, Drace left, and I was alone once again. The fact that my family was not on my side did not help the fact that I wanted to conceal my anger until the right time. I went out and nearly burned everything to the ground. That was my big mistake for now my barrow was now visible to any eye. I knew that they would soon come after me. I knew that some of these humans were not cowards. I began to prepare myself for the upcoming battle. I did not have much to fear, for my breath could do more harm than all of their swords combined. It still would have felt good to know that I had my family behind me. Shhh.. What was that? I know that they could not be coming for me so soon. Sweat begins to pour from his pores. I must remember that they are only humans. As the barbarians moved up the mound towards me I could see their leader very clearly. For he walked with his head high and look the strongest of all. This must be the man, Beowulf, that my father was talking of. But something about him caught my eye, why he did not look his age, but in his eyes I could tell that he had gone through many winters. Gaining back my confidence I proceeded upon them. Ha! Look at that old fool. Does he really believe that he can defeat me. The leader prepared himself for battle by putting up his shield. Ha! That shield will not protect you old fool. The man Beowulf swung his sword and I roared as it made contact with my body. The strength of this blow was something that I had never felt before. I was sure I had been wounded, but as I look not even a scratch was on me. I’m invincible! The look of shock replaced the courageous expression Beowulf once had. I enveloped him with a huge flame of fire I produced at that exact moment. The other humans with him ran off like cowards towards safety. The leader was left there fighting off the flames. I stopped in rejoiced in my glory, but the second I was going to end his life, the only noble warrior of his pushed him out of my grasp. This man was trying to save his leaders life. He was whispering something to him in a language I could not make out. Roar! I rushed at them and through the flame I could see the man protecting his leader. The leader shaking stood up and swung his great sword-blade and hit my head. Staggering, I saw the sword break. Running towards them I sunk my fangs into the throat of the man, Beowulf. As I turn I felt the blade of another sword. This time there was pain. The other man had drawn his sword upon my body and I was wounded. My vision began to fail and in pain I try to gather my strength back. Beowulf removed an object from his corselet and sharp sensations overwhelmed me. How to cite I can not help but wonder why they would do this to me. I have been at peace with these humans for many years, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Patients Suffering from Alzheimer Disease Sample for Students
Question: Write an Essay on your Chosen Health Condition. Answer: Alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, which is characterized by loss of brain function and associated tissues. This disorder is incurable and chronic and often turns out to be fatal for the patient suffering from it. This disease can be defined as a disease of the central nervous system that includes the spinal cord and brain. Researchers working on the causative factors for these diseases have stated that amyloidal plaques are the main reason for the disorder (Jack et al. 2013). These plaques are formed of specific proteins along with pieces of dead cells of the brain. These accumulate in the brain tissue leading to the occurrence of the disorder. Such plaques are usually found between the dying cells in the region of the brain. Scientists say that this occurs due to the buildup of the protein called the beta amyloid, which is also referred by the term amyloid plaques. Researchers have stated that a brain protein called tau is also responsible for the disorder. Disinteg ration of protein called tau results in formation of tangles within the neurons of the brain (Morales et al. 2014). This protein accumulates abnormally and results in the malfunctioning of the brain cells. These ultimately lead to the death of the brain cells. This disorder affects the memory and the learning procedures of a particular individual. As the disease of the patient progresses, the personality, mood and intellectual function of the patient starts to get affected. In the late stages of the disorders, affected patients lose their sense of present circumstances. Their capability to identify their relatives and loved one is completely lost. Later stages of Alzheimers is also believed to affect the digestive system of the patients. They have difficulty in swallowing food, which often leads to choking while eating food. Due to these issues, food or liquid may enter into therespiratory tracts. These often lead to the occurrence of pneumonia. Patient has symptoms like impaired se nse of smell that associates with the sense of taste as well (Kumar and Singh 2015). Bowel control of the patient is also affected due to this disorder. In the advanced stage, fecal inconsistencies are also found to occur among patients. With the gradual advancement of age, their neuromuscular system also gets weakened as they lose the capability to sit on chairs. This is because they lose their ability in using their muscles in purposeful manners that in turn affects their walking as well. As a result, they get entirely dependent on others for leading lives and performing different activities. A number of potential factors can be noted that often results in the intensification of the disease. Increasing age possesses the greatest risk for a patients health who is suffering from Alzheimers. Researchers have suggested that occurrence of Alzheimers is not an important part of aging process, but the risk of Alzheimers increases when a particular individual reaches the age of 65 (Bloom 2014). Another important domain that possesses a risk is the patient having first-degree relatives with history of Alzheimers like parents of siblings. Researchers have found that strongest risk gene responsible for occurrence of the disorder is apolipoprotein e4 called the APoE4. However, not everyone with the gene is susceptible to Alzheimers also. Moreover, a person suffering from Down syndrome is also susceptible to develop Alzheimers diseases even ten to twenty years earlier than in other normal cases (Reitz and Mayeux 2014). It is said that there exists a particular gene in the extra chromo some of the person suffering from Down syndrome, which is believed to increase the risk of Alzheimers in the patients.Women are found to be effected in higher number than the males.. Researchers are also of the idea that people who have mild cognitive impairment are at a higher risk of dementia and Alzheimers. People who have faced severe head trauma remain at a higher risk of development of the disorder (Heppner et al. 2015). It is very interesting to see that researchers have also concluded that those factors, which often effect heart condition, also tend to result in Alzheimers as well. Often lifestyle factors though not directly found to be linked but provide evidences of occurrences of Alzheimers. This includes obesity as well as lack of exercises in daily lives. Often smoking or being exposed to second hand smoke is another triggering factor of Alzheimers. High blood pressure and high blood cholesterol also seem to be the contributing factors for the disorders. Poorly controll ed type 2 diabetes also act as triggers in the disorder (Castallenani and Perry 2014). Often there are many individuals who take a diet that lack fruits and vegetables. All of them are believed to be the factors that can trigger the health condition of the patient resulting in the advancing of the Alzheimers diseases. Low educational and occupational attainment result in the disorder. Besides, sleep disorders are also found to be the one of the many contributing factors for the disease, which may include breathing problem, sleep apnea and others. For a patient suffering with Alzheimers disease the role of a healthcare professional would be to undertake the proper management of the co morbid symptoms that often accompany the disorder. He should develop a follow up plan for the patient that would constitute the detection of the complications, which would be followed by prevention and treatment techniques. These complications may involve malnutritions, fall, BPSD and others. The detection, prevention and treatment of the complications in the first place will help him to reduce the effects that the disorder is having in the patients lives and family members. A follow up plan must be introduced in each case with the help of a specialist. He will have an evaluation of entire treatment plan on the patient at a frequency of one to three months depending on the stability of the symptoms. This evaluation will also portray the severity of the diseases and the co-morbidities that the patient is seen facing (Imtiaz et al. 2014). The healt hcare professional would also ensure that the entire diagnosis is disclosed to the patient and a proper education is provided to the patients and their family members. He can also monitor any changes in behavior, balance disorder, gait, efficacy of drugs and others. Within the follow up plan, the professional should also pay importance to any sort of crisis prevention. This could be achieved by admitting the patient to hospitals in emergencies and others. In such crisis, researchers have stated that there exist a three-sided relationship involving family caregiver, the patient and the professional. Certain medications are often prescribed which include Aricept, razadyne, Exelon and others, which works by reducing the breakdown of acetylcholine, which are important for memory, and learning. Memantine works by changing the brain chemical glutamate helping in memory and learning. Besides various medicines, different therapies like art and music therapies provide very good effects on th e patients by triggering memories and reconnecting with people and the world (McAiney et al., 2016). The various support services which can aid in the treatment of the patients may include 24/7 helpline numbers which contain trained staffs to provide knowledge and support to family members and can also refer to local community services, crisis assistance, emotional support and others. One can also go for support programs that provide advice and encourages people so that they feel socially connected. They also help in sharing experiences making them feel well and others (Alzheimers 2015). Educational programs can be attained to educate the family members and also the society about the various impacts that the disorder has on lives of people. They also give advices on how to keep situations in control and face different challenges that come in the way. Early stage engagement programs help people to develop a comfortable way to get connected with others in society and share experiences of similar others helping in gaining emotional strength. Online tools also help. References: Alzheimers, A., 2015. 2015 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures.Alzheimer's dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer's Association,11(3), p.332. Bloom, G.S., 2014. Amyloid- and tau: the trigger and bullet in Alzheimer disease pathogenesis.JAMA neurology,71(4), pp.505-508. Castellani, R.J. and Perry, G., 2014. The complexities of the pathologypathogenesis relationship in Alzheimer disease.Biochemical pharmacology,88(4), pp.671-676. Heppner, F.L., Ransohoff, R.M. and Becher, B., 2015. Immune attack: the role of inflammation in Alzheimer disease.Nature Reviews Neuroscience,16(6), pp.358-372. Imtiaz, B., Tolppanen, A.M., Kivipelto, M. and Soininen, H., 2014. Future directions in Alzheimer's disease from risk factors to prevention.Biochemical pharmacology,88(4), pp.661-670. Jack, C.R., Knopman, D.S., Jagust, W.J., Petersen, R.C., Weiner, M.W., Aisen, P.S., Shaw, L.M., Vemuri, P., Wiste, H.J., Weigand, S.D. and Lesnick, T.G., 2013. Tracking pathophysiological processes in Alzheimer's disease: an updated hypothetical model of dynamic biomarkers.The Lancet Neurology,12(2), pp.207-216. Kumar, A. and Singh, A., 2015. A review on Alzheimer's disease pathophysiology and its management: an update.Pharmacological Reports,67(2), pp.195-203. McAiney, C.A., Markle-Reid, M., Gafni, A., Fisher, K., Harvey, D. and Burnett, M., 2016. UTILIZATION OF HEALTH AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES AMONG ALZHEIMER SOCIETY CAREGIVERS AND INDIVIDUALS IN THE EARLY STAGES OF DEMENTIA.Alzheimer's Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association,12(7), p.P816. Morales, I., Guzmn-Martnez, L., Cerda-Troncoso, C., Faras, G.A. and Maccioni, R.B., 2014. Neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of Alzheimers disease. A rational framework for the search of novel therapeutic approaches.Frontiers in cellular neuroscience,8(1). Reitz, C. and Mayeux, R., 2014. Alzheimer disease: epidemiology, diagnostic criteria, risk factors and biomarkers.Biochemical pharmacology,88(4), pp.640-651.
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