Friday, May 22, 2020
Major Categories Of Social Influence Conformity,...
Social Influence Katrina Venta PSY 226 Community College of Aurora March 11, 2016 Abstract There are three major categories of social influence: conformity, compliance, and obedience. Conformity is the change of behavior to be able to fit in and gain approval from other people. Compliance, on the other hand, is when a person changes their behavior in response to being asked directly. While obedience is a response to an authority figure directing an individual (Kenrick, Neuberg, Cialdini, 2010, p. 183). These social influences affect not just individuals, but society as a whole, and one of the real world influences that will be highlighted in this paper is the issue of bullying. All three of these factors that make up social influence intertwine and work together in a way where it has a direct impact on an individual, it is beneficial to society and our own lives, but it can also be destructive in the long run. Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience in Action We see conformity, compliance, and obedience in action on a day to day basis. These three categories are manifested in our own homes, our workplace, at school, and just about any kind of setting that we find ourselves in. Conformity aims to gain approval from those around us, so an example of this would be if people were talking about the latest fashion trend and this girl, even though she does not really have a clue about it, tries to jump into the conversation and starts making up stories just soShow MoreRelatedSocial Psychology: Bringing It All Together Essay3853 Words  | 16 PagesSocial Psychology: Bringing It All Together PSY 301 Sarah Koerner-Jordan October 22, 2012 Franchelle Guy Social Psychology: Bringing It All Together Social psychology is the scientific study of human thoughts, feelings, and behavior as they relate to and are influenced by others (Feenstra, 2011). It is a broad field that covers a variety of topics. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Pornography Addiction Essay - 1272 Words
Sexual exploitation by selling sex is one of the oldest businesses in human history. But the world has never seen such an increase in the acceptance of pornography than in the last 25 years. Neither has the world ever been in a place where sexually explicit material is so accessible to everyone, in the privacy of their own homes, due to the internet. Because of the growth of the social acceptance and universal accessibility of pornography, the effects have been widespread and damaging. Pornography has significant effects on the viewer, their brain and their real life relationships; it has effects on the people making the porn, and in turn, our society and our world has been greatly affected by the extensive use of porn. As porn has become†¦show more content†¦This happens in the context of relationships where the partners are committed to each other and are in tune with each other’s emotions. Surveys in the U.S. have found that the people who have the best sex and the most thrilling sex are those in long term happy relationships.(Dr Sue...) When having sex in a committed long term relationship one’s body chemically allows the pleasure to continue and deeply bonds them with their partner; contrarily, when engaging in porn, one’s body chemically causes pleasure to diminish with each encounter as the viewer is not bonding emotionally with another person. Porn allows the viewer to have temporary desires fulfilled with decreasing pleasure and lack of any deep, personal relationships. To take the effects of consumption of porn in the context of a relationship to a level of depth of scientific research, complaints from porn users in their teens and twenties are reported complaining that they can’t maintain an erection (Is Internet Porn..). â€Å" The 2001–2002 rates for older men 40–80 were about 13% in Europe. By 2011, ED rates in young Europeans, 18–40, ranged from 14%–28% and older men would be expected to have far higher ED rates than the negligible rates of younger men.†(Is Internet Porn†¦). Since the introduction of internet pornography,Show MoreRelated Internet Pornography Addiction Essay4347 Words  | 18 Pages Pornography on the Internet is affordable, available, and abundant. One can easily find websites for viewing this type of material. Although the reports on the actual number of these sites vary, the availability and accessibility of the sites are rarely disputed. Some critics of this form of e xpression or form of obscenity believe that the pornography itself can cause pornography addictions. Internet pornography does not produce addicts, but rather the propensity to be a pornography addictRead MorePornography Addiction Essay827 Words  | 4 Pages At any given time, pornography lights up the computer screens of millions of viewers, who are oblivious to the unhealthy habits acquired by watching explicit materials. Pornography begins to affect an individual’s mindset as soon as they watch their first explicit scene. Science confirmed the brain is endlessly creating new nerve pathways (Shucart). This is important because as people continue to view porn, they are allowing their brain to create long-lasting pathways. Viewers are unaware of theRead MoreIs There any Treatment for Pornography Addiction? Essay594 Words  | 3 Pageseffectiveness of biological treatments for pornography addiction. Though several related studies have been conducted, the focus of these studies was not specifically on pornography addiction, but sexual addiction in general. Additionally, they lacked validity as they were either case studies or small-scale studies, involving less than 30 participants. Conducting a large-scale study may not be feasible at this point of time, as not many people with pornography addiction are willing to seek medical adviceRead MoreThe Effects Of Pornography On The Individual1626 Words  | 7 PagesWhen discussing the detrimental effects of pornography use, I want to make it clear that I am focusing specifically on the harmful effects pornography has on the individual(s) watching it. Pornography is harmful to many groups and people. And the harm it brings is so widespread that I can’t even discuss all three groups. I could spend a lot of time and effort talking about why it’s harmful to those who create it (those who are exploited in the creating of it), and I could also talk about the thirdRead MoreSex, Pornography, An d Its Impact On Marriage2247 Words  | 9 Pages Marital Disaffection, Pornography, and Its Impact on Marriage Aracely Rivera Liberty University Abstract Marriage is one of the oldest institutions known to humans. In biblical times, there were clear examples of the origins of marriage. In those days, it was common to marry within one’s family, as was the case of Isaac and Jacob, who married their cousins, and Abraham, who married his half-sister. We can also see early examples of polygamy. Jacob and King David were known toRead MoreThe Effects Of Internet Pornography On College Students1122 Words  | 5 PagesInternet pornography is an easily accessible and highly affordable form of entertainment for anyone and especially the average college student. It is, arguably, a very simple and entertaining way to pass the time between exams, essays, and classes. However, pornography can pose a threat to college students because they do not realize the very powerful underlying danger that is present every time they click â€Å"Yes, I am over 18 years of age.†Much debate exists over whether or not Internet pornography isRead Mo reIs Internet Addiction Disorder? Essay1483 Words  | 6 Pages Internet addiction disorder, more commonly called problematic Internet use, refers to excessive computer use which interferes with daily life. Internet overuse, problematic computer use, or pathological computer use, problematic Internet use, or Internet addiction disorder. In the most recent version of the DSM-5, Internet Gaming Disorder is the latest term to describe this problem. History IAD was originally proposed as a disorder in a satirical hoax by Ivan Goldberg, M.D., in 1995, althoughRead MoreEverybody Knows Big Porn Is Destroying Relationships Essay855 Words  | 4 PagesPornography is defined as the representation in books, magazines, photographs, films, and other media of scenes of sexual behaviour that are erotic or lewd and are designed to arouse sexual interest (Legal Dictionary, 2014). In 2002, the adult film industry accumulated an average 3.9 billion dollar profit, and this figure has almost tripled since (Forbes Magazine, 2002). Pornography is misconceived within society as a violent and demoralising form of adult entertainment, and can be perceived as aRead MoreEssay On Ted Bundy1250 Words  | 5 PagesThe main purpose of this defense essay is to understand what drove Theodore Robert Bundy to commit the crimes he is accused of. After reading and listening to interviews with Ted Bundy and reading expert opinion, it is my conclusion Bundy knew his actions were wrong but the impulse overrode reasoning. The defense, the M’Naghten Rule – irresistible impulse defense would fit the Bundy crimes of murder and rape of young women. The craving and increasing desire to live out the murder and rape fantasyRead MoreThe Effects of Pornography1558 Words  | 7 PagesNegative Effects of Pornography on Society The opinion of most people today is that pornography is harmless and that there are no real harmful effects that result from it. The truth is, we all can be affected by pornography, and the sexual messages our society is exposed to. Pornography and the messages it conveys have a direct effect in shaping attitudes and encouraging behavior that can harm, not only individuals who view it but also their families as well. Pornography is often viewed in secret
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bridge Design Process Free Essays
Bridge Design Process In order to begin we must start our design process with the first step. We have to identify the need. The scenario is that we need to connect two pieces of land or structure so that a car must be able to pass through it. We will write a custom essay sample on Bridge Design Process or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this project we are to design and construct a bridge for a matchbox car. The bridge must be made of balsa wood and glue only. It must support its own weight, the load of the matchbox car, and additional weights that will be added. Next we must identify what problem is given. In this scenario our problem would be that we have a car that wants to travel between the two areas that the bridge is attached. We have only certain materials that can be used in constructing our bridge. And using those certain materials it must be of a particular size. And once those criteria have been met we must have a strong bridge that will carry the weight of the car and any additional weights placed on it. This bridge must have a truss design. Step three of our design process we search for ideas. From our research we know that the triangle is the strongest shape in construction and this is why trusses are made up of triangles. Our bridge must be a truss bridge design. So we have done research as a group and individually on the different truss bridge designs. There are many different truss designs that already exist. So we have done internet research into the trials and tests put on these different designs to see what features are stronger than others. Then we look at the project constraints that are given to us. The constraints that we have are materials, roadbed size, cross section size, span opening, and overall bridge width. The materials can only be balsa wood and glue. Glue can not be on surfaces that are not bonded. The roadbed is where the matchbox car must be able to pass along the bridge. The roadbed must also be able to accommodate the loading block with footprint, which is required for adding weights. There are also measurement constraints on the roadbed. The cross section wood members must not exceed one-eighth by on-eighth inch. Span opening must be approximately four hundred millimeters. The bridge has a minimum width of fifty millimeters with no maximum width constraint. There is no minimum or maximum height requirement. The design criterion is the fifth step in the design process. The criteria would include the cost, reliability, weight, maintenance, appearance, compatibility, safety, noise level, effectiveness, durability, feasibility, and acceptance. Cost is very manageable for our design since the only materials will be balsa wood and glue, which are relatively easy to find. The whole idea for the bridge design was something that could safely carry the weight of the car and the weight of the loading block plus all the weights that will be added. So therefore, when picking the design, we chose something that we thought would be reliable enough to carry all the required weights while safely allowing the car to pass through without flexing or collapsing. We also tried to make our bridge as light in weight as possible for the design because we will be competing for the lightest bridge if ours carries our predicted weight. The design appearance is very symmetrical which is pleasing to the eye. It is nothing too complex, which makes it very acceptable. This bridge is very compatible with any location or environment. Since our design is a very open design the noise level would be minimal since it is not enclosed. It is, overall, a very durable and feasible design. Step six in the design process is to find alternative solutions. Before we came up with our final bridge design we had many alternative solutions to the problem that would fit the need. In our group we have seven members. So we each individually did our own research about the materials, about trusses, and about different bridge designs. After that research we each came up with our own individual bridge design that we thought would be sufficient for the need. We then made a sketch of that bridge in our group journal. Then during our next meeting, we discussed each bridge and the strengths and weaknesses of each bridge. And from all those alternative solutions we came up together, using something from each individual idea, with a bridge design that was the best for the final product. For the analysis part of the bridge, we focused mainly on design. Because this is a truss bridge, and the strongest structural shape is a triangle, we knew that we had to focus on the trusses in the bridge. We did research on the stronger and weaker truss designs. Through our research we found that the bridges that contained more triangles were the bridges that ended up holding up the best to stress being added. Along with the design, the physics behind the trusses were of equal importance. We included a truss analysis along with our bridge to determine if the weight that the bridge has to support will be distributed along the length of the bridge evenly. Other factors that we took into account are how the bridge was going to be loaded. We knew the weight was going to be anchored to the middle of the bridge so we had to make sure that the weight would be evenly distributed to keep from collapsing. Our criteria from our decision matrix came from many different places. Before we each picked a bridge to input into our group journal, we had done a lot of research. We had to research what a truss bridge was and what made them strong. Then we had to incorporate those ideas into our design. So once each of us had picked a bridge that we thought was sufficient for a final product that design still had to convince the other members of the group before it was chosen as the one design for the overall product. The final design was something that we all agreed would withstand the weight. For the specification part our project we have many things. First we have all our bridge ideas sketched in our journal. We then have a detailed AutoCAD drawing of our final design. And we have a truss analysis of the angles of our trusses in our portfolio. The Bridge Design Process: The Abstract We are given a project, or a problem, where we need to attach two masses with a bridge so that a car may be able to pass through it. The bridge must meet certain criteria and constraints. It must carry the car and added weights and still be safe. But before we can determine a bridge design, we must use our ten step design process to come up with a sufficient design. The following report goes in depth on that process and our decision process. How to cite Bridge Design Process, Essays
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